Find Your Sense of Purpose Online With Speaker Myra
Published Books
If you would like to order a personalized copy, email Myra at [email protected].

Building a Life You Love After Losing the Love of Your Life
In this anything-but-typical widow memoir, Myra takes a brutally honest look at her roller coaster ride through grief, and even in her darkest hours, her humor shines. While sobbing in her Ben & Jerry's, doing grief therapy with a professional, and railing at God, Myra realized that she wasn't married to a dead man and just waiting to join him. If you're a widow or widower or know someone who is, this book can be your saving grace. Just because there's tragedy in your life doesn't mean your life has to be a tragedy. Through her insights, warmth, and understanding, Myra demonstrates that you, too, can love life again.

Mama Always Says
Perfect Paperback, 2011
Myra says she comes from a long line of strong, independent women who always had something to say. Myra shares quotes from her family and others in this delightful book!

Musings on Major and Minor Matters that May or May Not Matter
Perfect Paperback, 2011
Sometimes a poem seems to be the best way to capture the snapshot of a feeling. Whether it's an observation of life, happiness, grief, or simple silliness, Myra writes poetry to express her feelings. Many of the poems in this book were the result of a “poem du jour” challenge with her mentor and friend, Russell G. Hood. She found that writing poetry was a fun, creative outlet and later discovered that when her heart was breaking after the death of her husband Phil, she could put the pain on the page. Myra's hope is that you have a laugh, relate to a feeling, or find a new insight from these musings.

Building a Life You Love After Losing the Love of Your Life
In this anything-but-typical widow memoir, Myra takes a brutally honest look at her roller coaster ride through grief, and even in her darkest hours, her humor shines. While sobbing in her Ben & Jerry's, doing grief therapy with a professional, and railing at God, Myra realized that she wasn't married to a dead man and just waiting to join him. If you're a widow or widower or know someone who is, this book can be your saving grace. Just because there's tragedy in your life doesn't mean your life has to be a tragedy. Through her insights, warmth, and understanding, Myra demonstrates that you, too, can love life again.

Musings on Major and Minor Matters that May or May Not Matter
Perfect Paperback, 2011
Sometimes a poem seems to be the best way to capture the snapshot of a feeling. Whether it's an observation of life, happiness, grief, or simple silliness, Myra writes poetry to express her feelings. Many of the poems in this book were the result of a “poem du jour” challenge with her mentor and friend, Russell G. Hood. She found that writing poetry was a fun, creative outlet and later discovered that when her heart was breaking after the death of her husband Phil, she could put the pain on the page. Myra's hope is that you have a laugh, relate to a feeling, or find a new insight from these musings.

Mama Always Says
Perfect Paperback, 2011
Myra says she comes from a long line of strong, independent women who always had something to say. Myra shares quotes from her family and others in this delightful book!
Myra in the Media
Over the years, Myra has been a featured guest on radio and TV and has been quoted and published in a variety of print media. For several years, she was a contributing writer for Atlanta Woman magazine, a publication that highlighted high-profile professional women in Atlanta.
Myra has a broad understanding of media and can provide sample questions for the interview based on your audience and the angle of the story you’re working on. As an avid networker and connector, she’s also a valuable resource to recommend other sources for your articles and guests for your shows.
If you’re in need of a dynamite personality for your show or want some standout quotes or contributions for your publication, contact Myra to explore opportunities.
Interview Topics Include:
- Entrepreneurship
- Running Multiple Businesses (Multiple Streams of Income)
- Women in Business
- Writing/Publishing/Storytelling
- Moving Forward After Grief/Loss
- Life Balance
- Creating Connections on Purpose and for Profit
- Social Media for Business
- Book Marketing
- Women in the Workplace
- Lessons that Last From Women Who Were First
Appearances on TV and Radio Include:
- WSB-TV in Atlanta (the local ABC affiliate)
- WKMX Radio in St. Louis
- WPCH Radio in Atlanta
- The Dana Barrett Show
- 1190 AM WAFS in Atlanta
- What Women Want on LA Talk Radio
- Write Here, Write Now on Business RadioX
- The Better You network podcast
- Happiness Radio podcast (a People’s Choice nominated program heard in nearly every state in the US, in nearly every province in Canada, and in approximately 40 other countries)
Features/Quotes in National, Trade, and Local Publications Include:
- Atlanta Woman
- Little Pink Book
- Investor’s Business Daily
- McCall’s
- Woman’s World
- Selling Power
- Healthcare Industry Executive
- Value Retail News
- The Employment Review
- Competitive Edge
- The Executive Report on Customer Retention
- U.S. Industry Today
- Customer Relationship Management
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- The Gwinnett Daily News
- Associated Press (US, Portugal)
- Buckhead Living